Util-Assist has won an RFP to provide consulting services to Manitoba Hydro to help with the assessment of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and the development of an AMI business case. In making the decision to award the project to Util-Assist, Manitoba Hydro considered Util-Assist’s experience in managing more AMI projects in North America than any other consulting company. With the addition of Manitoba Hydro, Util-Assist has supported utility clients in eight of Canada’s ten provinces.
Together Util-Assist and Manitoba Hydro are evaluating the benefits and savings that AMI technology could bring to the utility and its customers. One of Manitoba Hydro’s primary goals is to continually improve its customer service while keeping up with changes in the energy industry and meeting the evolving needs of the end customer. AMI has become more than a trend in North America; it has become the new norm and it is standard practice for utilities to adopt AMI to keep pace with grid modernization and to improve customer engagement.
Manitoba Hydro is looking for new ways to be more responsive to customer needs, and by providing utilities with a wealth of data, such as better visibility on outage and restoration information, AMI can facilitate better communications and more efficient operations. AMI also offers a variety of features that improve customer safety–another top priority for utilities–including the ability to monitor the status of meters and receive advanced warnings.
AMI is being considered for both electric and natural gas meters as part of Manitoba Hydro’s grid modernization program, and the business case is a prudent first step to identify expected costs and gauge the immediate and long-term benefits. Manitoba Hydro is seeking a detailed understanding of available AMI technology platforms, communication networks, metering capabilities and data management options. Util-Assist will be applying the expertise it has gained through dozens of previous deployments to educate and advise on current trends in AMI, as well as the new technology and capabilities that are on the horizon for the rapidly-evolving energy industry.
About Manitoba Hydro
Manitoba Hydro is one of the largest energy utilities in Canada, and is also one of the lowest cost providers of electricity in the country. Manitoba Hydro generates, transmits and distributes electrical energy to approximately 570,000 customers throughout Manitoba and is also the major distributor of natural gas in the province, providing gas to approximately 275,000 customers. Manitoba Hydro generates nearly all of its electricity from sustainable hydroelectric stations and also exports electricity through wholesale markets to other regions in Canada and the United States.
For more information, visit: www.hydro.mb.ca