Application Testing Services
Application Testing Services
The modern utility faces considerable challenges within its information technology environment. The enterprise runs on a complex set of interacting mission-critical systems – billing, metering, meter data management, web portals, and more – provided by a diverse set of third-party vendors. So before deploying an upgrade, patch, hotfix, or even an entirely new system, utilities need to answer a few questions:
- Does it work properly? Does the system change meet your requirements from the standpoint of performance, functionality, and delivering the intended results?
- Will it break anything? A change to any utility system can have serious implications for the rest. Utilities need to ensure that a system change does not compromise the information ecosystem in any way.
That can be a challenge for utility IT departments, which are focused on meeting the day-to-day needs of the organization and may not have the capacity or the expertise needed to perform quality assurance testing for a proposed change. That’s where Util-Assist can help.
Expert, Reliable Testing Support When You Need It
Util-Assist maintains a centre of excellence devoted to utility testing: a dedicated team of highly trained testers with years of experience designing and executing test plans for utility information systems and devoted to executing a seamless transition for client organizations. Our value proposition is simple: we do this all the time. That means:
- Our experience is current with the latest AMI solutions and associated systems, MDM and CIS
- Our volume of work enables us to maintain a stable core of experienced employees who specialize in testing utility application software and systems
- We have prewritten and constantly updated test plans and scripts for nearly every utility testing use case
- We specialize in utilities, and have a deep understanding of the business processes underlying system interactions
All of that means we are able to ramp up more quickly, execute the work more quickly, and deliver the results more quickly. That saves you money twice: once because less effort is required from our expert team of testers to validate your systems, and once because your project will move ahead more quickly and with confidence in your mission-critical IT infrastructure.
How Util-Assist Can Help
Here are a few of the ways that Util-Assist’s testing centre of excellence can help you achieve your IT and business goals:
Develop Test Scripts
Our team knows what to look for. We will work with your organization to gather requirements for functionality, integration, and performance, then use those requirements to create use cases that capture your needs and configure the testing application appropriately.
Create Test Data
Systems that are not yet in production will not yet have the links to key data sources they need for full operation. Our team has the tools to easily generate sample data to use in testing pre-release software.
Execute Tests
Even well-designed test cases benefit from an experienced hand running the test. Our team will execute the test scripts and document the results and recommendations in clear reports for your project team and decision makers.
All It Takes Is One Call
To learn more about how Util-Assist’s testing centre of excellence can accelerate your deployment without compromising reliability, contact our business development team via form below.