Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
An AMI system forms the foundation of operational efficiencies for the entire utility: all departments benefit from accurate meter reading, enhanced customer service, improved outage capabilities, and conservation management opportunities.
Util-Assist has been involved in AMI since the very beginning. When the Ontario government first mandated smart meters for every Ontario home, Util-Assist got involved by assembling utilities to form the OUSM (Ontario Utilities Smart Meter) working group. Util-Assist headed this group to evaluate products and present recommendations to both utilities and government bodies. Util-Assist also worked with Ontario’s Independent Electric Systems Operator (IESO) on the creation of VEE rules for the centralized repository (MDM/R) for the smart meter marketplace.
Util-Assist currently manages AMI portfolios for over 70 utilities. We have assisted these utilities through the selection, installation, and integration of AMI networks, totaling over two million smart meters. These projects are complex: for each utility we are confronted with a unique combination of technology and related business processes.
Having gained this early experience, Util-Assist’s knowledge is now in high demand throughout the world. We have consulted on large AMI projects in Alberta, Arkansas, British Columbia, Guam, Florida, Michigan and Ontario. We assist with everything from strategic planning and business case development through to implementation, training, and business process re-engineering.
Let Util-Assist share lessons learned and deploy best practices to successfully guide you through your AMI decisions and projects.