Welcome Back to the Util-Assist Office

Util-Assist has created a video to showcase our new safety protocols and office retrofits, including touchless faucets, automatic door sensors and plexiglass  protection. Keeping employees and visitors healthy is our highest priority, and our office has re-opened on a...

Util-Assist Office Re-Opening

We are pleased to announce that, as part of the gradual easing of Ontario’s COVID-19 restrictions, Util-Assist is reopening its office. The health of our staff, clients and partners continues to be Util-Assist’s highest priority, and we have taken numerous precautions...

Substation Supervision with SecureAssist

Util-Assist is pleased to announce the launch of a SecureAssist pilot for 24×7 physical security monitoring of Alectra power substations. To deliver this new service, Util-Assist’s experienced PowerAssist team has added substation monitoring to its outage...